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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2008-04-07
核心提示:焊接熱循環 weld thermal cycle 焊接溫度場 field of weld temperature; weld temperature field 準穩定溫度場 quasi-stationary temperature field 焊接熱源 welding heat source 點熱源 point heat source 線熱源 linear heat source 面熱源 plane heat source 瞬時

焊接熱循環 weld thermal cycle
焊接溫度場 field of weld temperature; weld temperature field
準穩定溫度場 quasi-stationary temperature field
焊接熱源 welding heat source
點熱源 point heat source
線熱源 linear heat source
面熱源 plane heat source
瞬時集中熱源 instantaneous concentration heat source
熱效率 thermal efficiency
熱能集中系數 coefficient of heat flow concentration
峰值溫度 peak temperature
瞬時冷卻速度 momentary cooling rate
冷卻時間 cooling time
置換氧化 substitutionary oxydation
擴散氧化 diffusible oxydation
脫氧 desoxydation
先期脫氧 precedent desoxydation
擴散脫氧 diffusible desoxydation
沉淀脫氧 precipitation desoxydation
擴散氫 diffusible hydrogen
初始擴散氫 initial diffusible hydrogen
100℃殘余擴散氫 diffusible hydrogen remained at 100℃
殘余氫 residual hydrogen
去氫 dehydrogenation
去氫熱處理 heat treatment for dehydrogenation
脫硫 desulphurization
脫磷 dephosphorization
滲合金 alloying
微量合金化 microalloying
一次結晶組織 primary solidification structure
二次結晶組織 secondary solidification structure
聯生結晶 epitaxial solidification
焊縫結晶形態 solidification mode in weld-bead
結晶層狀線 ripple
多邊化邊界 polygonization boundary
結晶平均線速度 mean solidification rate
針狀鐵素體 acicular ferrite
條狀鐵素體 lath ferrite
側板條鐵素體 ferrite side-plate
晶界欣素體 grain boundary ferrite; polygonal ferrite; pro-entectoid ferrite
粒狀貝氏體 granular bainite
板條馬氏體 lath martensite
過熱組織 overheated structure
魏氏組織 Widmannst?tten structure
M-A組元 martensite-austenite constituent
焊件失效分析 failure analysis of weldments
冷裂判據 criterion of cold cracking
冷裂敏感系數 cold cracking susceptibity coefficient
脆性溫度區間 brittle temperature range
氫脆 hydrogen embrittlement
層狀偏析 lamellar segregation
愈合 healing effect
斷口 fracture
延性斷口 ductile fracture
韌窩斷口dimple fracture
脆性斷口 brittle fracture
解理斷口 cleavage fracture
準解理斷口 quasi-cleavage fracture
氫致準解理斷口 hydrogen-embrittlement induced
沿晶斷口 intergranular fracture
穿晶斷口 transgranular fracture
疲勞斷口 fatigue fracture
滑移面斷口 glide plane fracture
斷口形貌 fracture apperance
斷口試驗 fracture test
宏觀斷口分析 macrofractography
放射區 radical zone
纖維區 fibrous zone
剪切唇區 shear lip aone
使用焊接性 service weldability
工藝焊接性 fabrication weldability
冶金焊接性 metallurgical weldability
熱焊接性 thermal weldability
母材 base metal; parent metal
焊接區 weld zone
焊態 as-welded (AW)
母材熔化區 fusion zone
半熔化區 partial melting region
未混合區 unmixed zone
熔合區 bond area
熔合線 weld junction (英);bond line (美)
熱影響區 heat-affected zone (HAZ)
過熱區 overheated zone
粗晶區 coarse grained region
細晶區 fine grained region
過渡區 transition zone
硬化區 hardened zone
碳當量 carbon equivalent
鉻當量 chromium equivalent
鎳當量 nickel equivalent
舍夫勒組織圖 Schaeffler's diagram
德龍組織圖 Delong’s diagram
連續冷卻轉變圖(CCT圖)continuous cooling transformation
裂紋敏感性 cracking sensibility
焊接裂紋 weld crack
焊縫裂紋 weld metal crack
焊道裂紋 bead crack
弧坑裂紋crater crack
熱影響區裂紋 heat-affected zone crack
縱向裂紋 longitudinal crack
橫向裂紋 transverse crack
微裂紋 micro-crack; micro-fissure
熱裂紋 hot crack
凝固裂紋 solidification crack
晶間裂紋 intercrystalline crack
穿晶裂紋 transcrystalline crack
多邊化裂紋 polygonization crack
液化裂紋 liquation crack
失延裂紋 ductility-dip crack
冷裂紋 cold crack
延遲裂紋 delayed crack
氫致裂紋 hydrogen-induced crack
焊道下裂紋 underbead crack
焊根裂紋 root crack
焊趾裂紋 toe crack
鋸齒形裂紋 chevron cracking
消除應力處理裂紋 stress relief annealing crack (SR crack)
再熱裂紋 reheat crack
焊縫晶間腐蝕 weld intercryctalline corrosion
刀狀腐蝕 knife line attack
敏化區腐蝕 weld decay
層狀撕裂 lamellar tearing
焊接性試驗 weldability
裂紋試驗 cracking test
IIW裂紋試驗 IIW cracking test
Y形坡口裂紋試驗 slit type cracking test
分塊形槽熱裂紋試驗 segmented circular groove cracking test
H形裂紋試驗 H-type cracking test
魚骨形裂紋試驗 fishbone cracking test
指形裂紋試驗 finger (cracking) test
T形裂紋試驗 Tee type cracking test
環形槽裂紋試驗 circular-groove cracking test
可調拘束裂紋試驗 varestraint test
BWRA奧氏體鋼裂紋試驗 BWRA cracking test for austenitie steel
圓棒裂紋試驗 bar type cracking test; round bar cracking test
里海裂紋試驗 Lehigh restraint cracking test
圓形鑲塊裂紋試驗 circular-path cracking test
十字接頭裂紋試驗 cruciform cracking test
Z向窗口拘束裂紋試驗 Z-direction window type restraint cracking test
G-BOP焊縫金屬裂紋試驗 G-BOP weld metal crack test
巴特爾焊道下裂紋試驗 Battelle type underbead cracking test
U形拉伸試驗 U-tension test
繆雷克期熱裂紋試驗 Murex hot cracking test
菲斯柯裂紋試驗 FISCO (type) cracking test
CTS裂紋試驗 controlled thermal severity
拉伸拘束裂紋試驗(TRC試驗)tensile restraint cracking test
剛性拘束裂紋試驗(RRC試驗)rigid restraint cracking test
插銷試驗 implant test
Tigamajig 薄板焊接裂紋試驗 Tigamajing thin plate cracking test
焊道縱向彎曲試驗 longitudinal-bead test
柯麥雷爾彎曲試驗 Kommerell bead bend test
肯澤爾彎曲試驗 Kinzel test
缺口彎曲試驗 notch bend test
熱朔性試驗 hot-ductility test
熱影響區沖擊試驗 impact test of HAZ
熱影響區模擬試驗 synthetic heat-affected zone test
最高硬度試驗 maximum hardness test
落錘試驗 NRL (Naval Research Laboratory)
測氫試驗 Hydrogen test
焊接材料welding consumables
熔化電極consumable electrode
不熔化電極nonconsumable electrode
鎢電極tungsten electrode
焊絲welding wire. Welding rod
實心焊絲solid wire
渡銅焊絲copper-plating welding wire
自保護焊絲self-shielded welding wire
藥芯焊絲flux-cored wire
復合焊絲combined wire
堆焊焊絲surfacing welding rod
填充焊絲filler wire
焊條electrode/ covered electrode
焊芯core wire
藥皮coating (of an electrode)/ covering (of an electrode)
涂料coating flux/coating material
造氣劑gas forming constituents
造渣劑slag forming constituents
合金劑alloying constituent
穩弧劑arc stabilizer
水玻璃water glass
水玻璃模數modules of water glass
酸性焊條acid electrode
高鈦型焊條high titania (type) electrode
鈦鈣型焊條lime titania type electrode
鈦鐵礦形焊條ilmenite type electrode
氧化鐵型焊條iron oxide type electrode/ high iron oxide type electrode
高纖維素型焊條high cellulose (type) electrode
石墨型焊條graphite type electrode
堿性焊條basic electrode/ lime type covered electrode
低氫型焊條low hydrogen type electrode
高韌性超低氫焊條high toughness super low hydrogen electrode
奧氏體焊條austenitic electrode
鐵素體焊條ferritic electrode
不銹鋼焊條stainless steel electrode
珠光體耐熱鋼焊條pearlitic heat resistant steel electrode
低溫鋼焊條low temperature steel electrode/ steel electrode for low temperature
鋁合金焊條aluminum alloy arc welding electrode
銅合金焊條copper-alloy arc welding electrode
銅芯鑄鐵焊條cast iron electrode with steel core
純鎳鑄鐵焊條pure nickel cast iron electrode
球墨鑄鐵焊條electrode for welding spheroidal graphite cast iron
鑄芯焊條electrode with cast core wire
鎳基合金焊條nickel base alloy covered electrode
蒙乃爾焊條Monel electrode
純鐵焊條pure iron electrode
滲鋁鋼焊條alumetized steel electrode
高效率焊條high efficiency electrode
鐵粉焊條iron powder electrode
底層焊條backing welding electrode
深熔焊條deep penetration electrode
重力焊條gravity electrode
立向下焊條electrode for vertical down position welding
節能焊條saving energy electrode
水下焊條underwater welding electrode
耐海水腐蝕焊條seawater corrosion resistant steel electrode
低塵低毒焊條low-fume and harmfulless electrode/
low-fume and low-toxic electrode
堆焊焊條surfacing electrode
耐磨堆焊焊條hardfacing electrode
鈷基合金堆焊焊條cobalt base alloy surfacing electrode
碳化鎢堆焊焊條tungsten carbide surfacing electrode
高錳鋼堆焊焊條high manganese steel surfacing electrode
雙芯焊條twin electrode
絞合焊條stranded electrode
編織焊條braided electrode
雙層藥皮焊條double coated electrode
管狀焊條flux-cored electrode
氣渣聯合保護型藥皮semi-volatile covering
焊條工藝性usability of the electrode/ technicality of the electrode
焊條使用性running characteristics of an electrode/ operating characteristics of an electrode
焊條熔化性melting characteristics of an electrode
焊條直徑core diameter
焊條偏心度eccentricity (of an electrode)
藥皮重量系數gravity coefficient of coating
焊條藥皮含水量percentage of moisture for covering
焊條夾吃持端bare terminal (of an electrode)
焊條引弧端striking end (of an elcetrode)
焊劑welding flux/ flux
熔煉焊劑fused flux
粘結焊劑bonded flux
燒結焊劑sintered flux/ agglomerated flux
窄間隙埋弧焊焊劑flux for narrow-gap submerged arc welding
低氫型焊劑low hydrogen type flux
高速焊劑high speed welding flux
無氧焊劑oxygen-free flux
低毒焊劑low poison flux
磁性焊劑magnetic flux
電弧焊 arc welding
直流電弧焊 direct current arc welding
交流電弧焊 alternating current arc welding
三相電弧焊 three phase arc welding
熔化電弧焊 arc welding with consumable
金屬極電弧焊 metal arc welding
不熔化極電弧焊 arc welding with nonconsumable
碳弧焊 carbon arc welding
明弧焊 open arc welding
焊條電弧焊 shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
重力焊gravity welding
躺焊 fire cracker welding
電弧堆焊 arc surfacing
自動堆焊 automatic surfacing
躺板極堆焊 surfacing by fire cracker welding
帶極堆焊 surfacing with band-electrode
振動電弧堆焊 vibratory arc surfacing
耐磨堆焊 hardfacing
埋弧焊 submerged arc welding (SAW)
多絲埋弧焊multiple wire submerged arc welding
縱列多絲埋弧焊 Tandem sequence (submerged-arc welding)
橫列多絲埋弧焊 series submerged arc welding (SAW-S)
橫列雙絲并聯埋弧焊 transverse submerged arc welding
熱絲埋弧焊 hot wire submerged-arc welding
窄間隙埋弧焊 narrow-gap submerged arc welding
弧壓反饋電弧焊 arc voltage feedback controlling arc welding
自調節電弧焊 self-adjusting arc welding
適應控制焊接 adaptive control welding
焊劑層 burden; flux layer
氣體保護電弧焊 gas shielded arc welding
保護氣體 protective atmosphere
惰性氣體 inert-gas
活性氣體 active-gas
惰性氣體保護焊 inert-gas (arc) welding
氬弧焊 argon arc welding
熔化極惰性氣體保護電弧焊 metal inert-gas arc welding
鎢極惰性氣體保護電弧焊 tungsten inert-gas arc welding
鎢極氫弧焊 argon tungsten arc welding
脈沖氫弧焊 pulsed argon arc welding
熔化極脈沖氫弧焊 argon metal pulsed arc welding
鎢極脈沖氫弧焊 argon tungsten pulsed arc welding
熱絲MIG焊 hot wire MIG welding
熱絲TIG焊 hot wire TIG welding
氨弧焊 helium-arc welding
活性氣體保護電弧焊 metal active-gas arc welding
混合氣體保護電弧焊 mixed gas arc welding
關鍵詞: 焊接 詞匯
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