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放大字體  縮小字體 發布日期:2008-04-17
核心提示:M paper 次品紙 macaroni paper 通心粉包裝紙 macaroni wrapping paper 通心粉包裝紙 machine broke 紙機損紙 machine coated paper (紙)機上涂布紙 machine creped paper (紙)機上皺紋紙 machine finish book paper 紙機整飾書籍紙 machine finish(ed) paper (紙

M paper 次品紙
macaroni paper 通心粉包裝紙
macaroni wrapping paper 通心粉包裝紙
machine broke 紙機損紙
machine coated paper (紙)機上涂布紙
machine creped paper (紙)機上皺紋紙
machine finish book paper 紙機整飾書籍紙
machine finish(ed) paper (紙)機上光澤紙
machine finish cover 雙面光封皮紙
machine glazed paper 有光紙
machine glazed litho 紙機光澤平版印刷紙
machine made paper 機制紙
machine glazed poster 紙機光澤廣告紙
machine made deckle-edge paper 紙機制毛邊紙
machine posting index 機用信片索引紙
machine posting ledger 機用帳簿紙
machine treated butchers paper 機制加工包肉紙
magazine paper(for printing imitation) 畫報印刷紙
magazine cover paper 一雜志封面紙
magazine news 雜志新聞紙
magnetic ink character reader paper 磁性墨水文字閱讀器用紙
magnetic phonographic recording paper 磁帶錄音紙
magnetic recording tape paper 磁性錄音帶紙
magnetic recording paper 磁性錄音帶紙
magnetically sensitive recording paper 磁感記錄紙
magnetized paper 磁性紙
makeready papeer 印樣用紙
makeready tissue 印樣用紙
manifold paper 打字紙
manila paper 一馬尼拉紙,高強度紙張
manila bristol 馬尼拉光澤卡片紙
manila drawing paper 淡黃色圖畫紙
manila for oilling 馬尼拉油紙原紙
manila rope paper 馬尼拉紙繩紙
manila rope shipping sack paper 馬尼拉麻色包裝運輸紙
manila tag 馬尼拉卡紙
manila tissue 馬尼拉薄紙
manuscript cover 手稿封皮紙
map paper 地圖紙
marble(glazed) 玳瑁蠟光紙
marbled paper 大理石花紋紙
margarine wrapper 人造黃油包裝紙
maritime(chart) paper 海圖紙
market paper 商品包裝紙
masking paper 復面紙;遮蔽紙
massey paper 機上涂布紙
match(box) paper 火柴盒紙
match book cover paper 火柴本封面紙
match label paper 火柴盒用商標紙
matrix paper 字型紙
matrix tissue paper 字型薄紙
matt paper 無光澤紙
matt art paper 無光澤美術
matt coated(for printing) 無光澤印刷涂布紙
measuring tape paper 測試紙帶紙
meat wrapper 肉類包裝紙
mechanical paper 含磨木漿的紙張
mechanical deckle edge paper 機械加工切邊的紙張
mechanical and electrical fibre 機械和電氣用鋼紙
medicated paper 加藥品的紙張
medieval laid 仿條紋紙
medium fine printing paper 中等質量印刷紙
mellow paper 調溫紙張
melton mounts 麥爾登臺紙
memo covers 備忘錄書皮紙
merchants brand 商業商標紙
message blank 通訊用紙
matachromtype paper 變色紙
metal fiber paper 金屬纖維紙;金屬箔紙
metal foilbody paper 金屬箔紙原紙
metallic paper 金屬(涂布)紙
metallic blotting 金屬面吸墨紙
matallic bronze 青銅紙
metallized paper 擬金屬紙
meter paper 儀表用紙
M.F. paper 雙面光紙
M.G. paper 有光紙
M.G.offset paper 單面膠版印刷紙
M.G.wrapping paper 雞皮紙
mica paper 云母紙
mica base paper 云母帶原紙
mice coated paper 云母涂布紙
MICR paper 磁性墨水文字閱讀器用紙
microfilm enlargement positive paper 微膠卷放大紙
microsphere paper 松厚紙
middle fine ptinting paper 中等質量印刷紙
mildew proof paper 防霉紙
mill edge 紙邊
millimeter paper 標紙
mimeo paper 復寫紙
mimeograph paper 復印紙
mimeotypw stencil paper 打印蠟紙
mineral fiber paper 礦物纖維紙
mixed paper 雜廢紙
modified paper 變性紙
moist recording paper 溫式記錄紙;漁群探測記錄紙;河海探深記錄紙
moist proof paper 防潮紙
mosture barrier bulding paper 防潮建筑紙
mold made paper 模制紙
mold resistant paper 防霉紙
monotype paper 自動鑄字機用紙
mounting cards paper 裱貼卡紙
morocco paper 仿摩洛哥皮紙
Morse paper 莫爾斯電報紙
mother of pearl paper 貝殼紙
mothproof paper 防蟲紙,防蛀紙
mottled paper 灰襯紙,花崗石紋紙
mould paper 字型紙
mould made paper 仿手工紙
mould resistant paper 防霉紙
mounting paper 裱畫紙,襯托紙
mourning paper 訃告用紙
mulch paper 育苗紙
mulch base paper 育苗原紙
multicolor printing paper 彩色印刷紙
multigraph paper 油印紙
multiplier paper 復寫紙
multi-ply paper 多層紙
multi-wall bag kraft paper 多層牛皮袋紙
munition paper 彈藥包裝紙
music paper 樂譜紙
music lithograph paper 樂譜石版印刷紙
music printing paper 樂譜紙
music roll paper 樂譜卷紙
machine coated board 機上涂布紙板
machine glazed board 有光紙板
manila board 單面白紙板,馬尼拉紙板
manila lined box board 馬尼拉掛面箱紙板;漂白掛面箱紙板
manila lined chip board 馬尼拉掛面粗紙板;漂白掛面粗紙板
manila lined straw board 馬尼拉掛面草紙板;漂白掛面草紙板
marble board 大理石紋紙板
mat board 無光澤紙板
match box board 火柴盒用紙板
matrix board 字型紙板
mechanical pulp board 磨木漿制紙板
metallic electrosensitive board 金屬電敏紙板
micro-currugated board 微瓦楞紙板
mildew proof board 防霉紙板
milk bottle board 奶瓶紙板
mill board 書法紙板;厚紙板
mill lined board 裱糊紙板;多層紙板
model board 制鞋紙板
molded board 模制紙板
mottled board 花崗石紋紙板
mould machine board 圓網紙機抄制紙板
mounting board 襯托紙板
muffling board 隔音紙板
multi-layer (paper) board 多層紙板
multi-ply board 多層紙板
multi-stock (paper) board 混合紙板
multi-wall corrugated board 多層瓦楞紙板
munition board 彈藥紙板
massey coater 多輥涂布機
metering bar coater 刮棒涂布機
microjet coater 噴射式氣刷涂布機
macerate 浸漬
macerated 浸漬的
maceration 浸漬(作用)
maceration extract 浸漬液
machinability 機械加工性能
machine barking 機械去皮,機械剝皮
machine broke 紙機損紙
machine calender 紙機壓光機
machine chest 紙機(貯)漿池
machine clothing 造紙機貴重器材(指銅網、毛毯等)
machine coated 機上涂布的
machine coating 機上涂布
machine creped 機上起皺
machine crew 抄紙小組
machine deckle 定邊帶
machine design 機械設計
machine direction 縱向
machine dried 紙機干燥
machine drying 紙機干燥
machine finish(ed) 紙機壓光的
machine glazed 紙機光澤
machine glazing 單面光
machine gloss 紙機光澤
machine hand 抄紙工
machine imprinted 毛毯痕(紙。
machine loading 濕部加填
machine oil 機油
machine operation 造紙機操作
machine pit (紙機)白水坑
machine room 造紙車間,抄紙車間
machine shop 機修車間
machine shop worker 機修工
machine sorting 機械選料;機械選紙
machine tender 放料工;抄紙工長
machine time 機械加工時間
machine width 機寬
machine water 網下白水
machine wire 抄紙(用)網
machinery 機器,機械(設備)
machining 機械加工
macromolecular compound 高分子化合物
macromolecule 高分子
macroscopic 宏觀的
macroscopic structure 宏觀結構,宏觀組織
M & D digester 斜管式連續蒸煮器
madder (Rubia) 茜草屬
Madeleine dryer 毛毯熱風干燥器
Madeleine roll 熱風干毯輥
magazine 庫;木庫;雜志
magazine grinder 庫式磨木機
magazine stock 廢雜志漿料
magenta (堿性)品紅,洋紅
magna centricleaner 大型錐型除渣器
magna pump 大型泵
magnesia 氧化鎂
magnesia limestone 鎂氧石灰
magnesite 菱鎂礦,菱鎂土,菱苦土
magnesium base 鎂鹽基
magnesium base liquor 鎂鹽基蒸煮液
magnesium recovery 鎂鹽基廢液回收
magnesium bisulfite 亞硫酸氫鎂
magnesium carbonate 碳酸鎂
magnesium chloride 氯化鎂
magnesium hydrate 氫氧化鎂
magnesium hydroxide 氫氧化鎂
magnesium oxide 氧化鎂
magnesium oxide slurry 氫氧化鎂乳液
magnesium silicate 硅酸鎂
magnesium sulfide 硫化鎂
magnesium sulfate 硫酸鎂
magnesium thiosulfate 硫代硫酸鎂
magnet 磁鐵
magnetic electron lens 磁電子透鏡
magnetic equipment 磁性設備
magnetic field 磁場
magnetic ink 磁性墨水
magnetic properties 磁性
magnetic roll 磁力輥
magnetic separating roll 磁力分離輥
magnetic separator 磁力分離器
magnetic switch 電磁開關
magnetic tape 磁帶
magnification 放大率,擴大
magnify 擴大,放大
magnitude 尺寸,大;量(度);數值
magnolia (Magnolia) 木蘭屬
mahogany (Swietenia mahogani L.) 桃花心木
mahogany birch (Betula lenta L.) 山樺
maidenhair tree (Ginkgo biloba L.) 銀杏,白果
main 總線;主管;主要的;總的
main air 一次風,一級空氣
main chain 主鍵
main group 主族
main group element 主族元素
main press 主壓榨
main reaction 主要反應
main shaft 主軸
main steam valve 總閥
maintenance 維修
maintenance cost 維修費用
maintenance crew 保全組
maintenance man 保全工
maintenance shop 維修車間
maize 玉米,玉蜀黍,包谷
maize starch 玉蜀黍淀粉
maize stalk 玉米稈
maize straw 玉米稈
make-up 補充
make-up of chemical loss 化學藥品補充量
make-up liquor 補充藥液
make-up room 制藥車間;裝配室
make-up water 補充水(量)
malachite green (堿性)孔雀綠
male screw 陰螺絲
maleic acid 馬來酸,順丁烯二酸
maleic anhydride 馬來酸酐,順丁烯二酸酐
malfunction 故障
malonamide 丙二酰胺
malonate 丙二酸鹽
maltitol 麥芽糖酸
maltose 麥芽糖
manager 管理人,經理
Manchester MF former MF式壓力上漿圓網成形器
Manchurian ash (Fraxinus mandschurica Rupr.) 水曲柳
Manchurian fir (Abies holophylla maxim.) 杉松,遼東冷杉
Manchurian linden (Tilia mandschurica Rupr. Et. Maxim.) 糖椴
Manchurian walhut (Juglans mandschurica maxim.) 胡桃揪
mandrel 水印輥骨架
manganese dioxide 二氧化錳
mangrove 紅樹類
manhole 人孔
manidold (type) 多管;匯集
manidold distributor 多管進漿裝置
manifold valve 匯流閥
manila 馬尼拉紙,黃色馬尼拉麻紙
manila bristol 馬尼拉厚紙
manila fiber 馬尼拉纖維
manila for oiling 防油馬尼拉紙
manila hemp (Musa textilis) 馬尼拉麻,焦麻
manila tag 厚紙板
manila wrapping 馬尼拉包裝紙
manila writing 馬尼拉書寫紙
manipulation 手動;(用手)操作
mannan 聚甘露糖,多甘露糖
mannitol 甘露糖醇
mannogalactan 甘露糖半乳聚糖
mannose 甘露糖
manoneter (液體)壓力計
manostat 恒壓器,穩壓器
jmanual control 手控,人工控制
manually loading 人工裝料
manufacturer's joint 企業聯合
manuseript 文件;手稿
manuseript binder (文件)封面用紙;文件夾
manuseript cover (文件)封面用紙
manuseript music 樂譜用紙 


關鍵詞: 紙業 詞匯
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